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Covid Information

The world has experienced a great transition, with diseases and viruses such as covid 19, we understand and adapt to change, and that is why in our safety and quality policies, the protection of our workers and our customers is above everything. . . For this reason, we take all the necessary precautionary measures to prevent the spread of these diseases, such as the use of masks and the vaccination of our collaborators. We know that in this circumstance our role is very important for society since we are facing the disease, that is why we take our work seriously and train cleaners to disinfect your home in the best possible way, with products that take care of your family. and your pets and that minimize the impact on the environment. We will be by your side to protect your home from viruses, germs and bacteria that damage your health. We are a company committed to preventing the spread of covid19 and its variants.

What you should know!.

We act quickly as soon as we know an employee is sick, if so we will send another cleaner as soon as possible to protect the health of workers and customers. Although the disease has decreased and there are more controls by the state, we do not lower our guard, we make regulations and maintain direct communication with all our workers to find out if they are in optimal conditions to attend their cleaning appointments.

What you should do if you have a bad cough, flu symptoms or tested positive for covid at the time of your appointment is to postpone to avoid contagion and harm to other people. Yesi’s maid puts herself in the shoes of her workers and performs constant audits to verify that everything is going in the best way possible to take care of her cleaners and her clients. We avoid cross contamination, so each work item is properly disinfected and sanitized.